Sibylink is a consultancy at the nexus of decision-making, foresight and information design. Driven by quantified forecasting that has been gold-standard tested and clinically evaluated for high accuracy over years, Sibylink's acumen lies in anticipating what will matter in the future. We help your organization and personnel make smarter decisions through science, software and systems.

21st century complexity and uncertainties demand accurate foresight. Futurists, think tanks & consultancies all claim to provide risk assessments and strategic analyses, but how can you be sure of their quality if they have never been scored for accuracy? Experts are rarely more accurate than random chance in their predictions of financial and geopolitical events. Large-scale consultanices are rarely lean and agile; few can deliver information in a format for clients with a time-deficit.
Sibylink offers a proven alternative.
Analysis--in the form of futures forecasting and scenario-building--is Sibylink's forte. And unlike high-profile futurists, experts & pundits, Sibylink's forecasting analysis has been government-vetted as being more accurate. (Read more about this from the Washington Post)
Sibylink can assist you in spotting patterns and trends, can deliver cogent analysis and help forecast events before they happen.
Additionally, Sibylink can teach you and your colleagues to "think like a Superforecaster," helping you incorporate better foresight principles in your own pursuits. Sibylink's strategic foresight training programs have been adopted internationally by both public and private sectors.
Far-reaching areas of coverage include foreign policy & defense; energy & information security; technology & innovation; NATO & transatlantic security; nuclear dynamics; transnational crime; business & finance; & media & intellectual property, among others.
Sibylink provides a unique global reach. International experience of over 20 years provides regional coverage including the Middle East; South Asia; Europe & the Balkans; Eurasia and the Arctic; North America; and Brazil and can be expanded to include almost any region.
Beyond subject matter expertise, Sibylink designs information management applications and tools with a special emphasis on behavioural decision-science and analysis. With nationally recognized experience in graphics & interface design (UI/UX), gaming, branding, advertising & digital media development, Sibylink is uniquely positioned to deliver a “better policy by design” approach.
Let Sibylink help you reduce uncertainty in your planning objectives. Contact us to discuss your objectives and to see if Sibylink can help you with your strategic and tactical needs.
*Sibyl=Women who forecasted the future, according to Greek legend
To learn more about Sibylink's founder, go here:
Sibylink has produced forecasting & development consulting for:
Skills & Services
thought leadership
forecasting tournaments
customized training in best practice from a GJP Superforecaster
technical & digital development
video content & media production
forecast reports, policy briefs and memos
analytical research & writing
evaluations and risk assessments
event development
editorial management & creative direction
business development
entrepreneurial solutions
advertising, branding, identity & communications strategies
Sibylink has delivered output for such recipients as:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NL)
IKV Pax Christi
Sibylink's written work has appeared in:
The New York Times
International Relations and Security Network-ETH Zurich
Editor & Publisher
Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Journal
The Industry Standard
Fast Company
Some examples of previously published work include:
Technology 2020
Find me on Twitter: @Suoerforecastr
US-based clients may also contact my other organization, pytho.